How to Schedule
whatsapp messages on any phone

We'll be showing two methods, starting with Android. Keep tapping right if you want iPhone tips.

Image Credit: Pexels

Step one is to download the SKEDit app from the Google Play store, and then sign in to the app. There's one piece of set up left, and then you can start scheduling.

Next, tap on WhatsApp, and then tap on Enable Accessibility. Choose SKEDit, toggle the switch to use it, and tap on the Allow button to enable the service. That's it for settings, so we can start scheduling!

Open SKEDit, and tap on Add WhatsApp Recipients(s) to add a person. Now, type in your message, and from the menu, set a date and time. That's it, message scheduled!

Image Credit: Pexels

The steps before this work for Android, but you won't be able to do that on an iPhone. However, we've got steps to schedule messages on an iPhone too, so keep tapping.

First of all, you're going to need Apple's Shortcuts app. Download it if you don't already have it on your iPhone, and start by tapping on Create Shortcut.

Tap the plus button, create a new automation, choose Time of Day, and then schedule when you want to send the message.

Tap next, and choose Add Action. Now, select Text and type out your message. Now, we're almost ready to schedule sending it.

Once you've entered your message, tap plus again and select WhatsApp.

Choose send message via WhatsApp, then pick your recipient, and then tap done to schedule the message! That's all there is to it!

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