Duke Researchers Develop Flu Shot That Could Last for Years

Duke Researchers Develop Flu Shot That Could Last for Years

Duke Researchers Develop Flu Shot That Could Last for Years

Duke University researchers have pioneered a promising strategy in the ongoing battle against influenza viruses. By developing a vaccine that prompts the immune system to target a less variable portion of the virus surface, they've achieved encouraging results in experiments with mice and ferrets. This breakthrough could pave the way for more effective and long-lasting flu vaccines, reducing the need for annual shots tailored to specific virus strains.

The experimental vaccine, detailed in the journal Science Translational Medicine, represents a significant step forward in the quest for a universal flu vaccine. Unlike traditional vaccines that target the constantly changing surface proteins of the virus, this new approach focuses on a more stable region, known as the stalk, of the hemagglutinin protein.

Lead researcher Nicholas Heaton explains that while flu vaccines typically target the bulb-like "head" of hemagglutinin, which undergoes frequent changes, the stalk remains relatively consistent. By designing proteins to elicit an immune response focused on the stalk, the Duke team aims to provide broader protection against diverse flu strains.

Using gene-editing techniques, the researchers created over 80,000 variations of the hemagglutinin protein and formulated a vaccine containing a mixture of these variants. In lab tests and animal trials, the vaccine prompted a robust immune response, with antibodies targeting the stalk region. Remarkably, after receiving the experimental vaccine, all mice avoided illness or death from a normally lethal dose of flu viruses.

The next phase of research will explore whether similar levels of immunity can be achieved with fewer hemagglutinin variants. This promising development was made possible through funding from the NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the utilization of the Duke Regional Biocontainment Laboratory. This innovative approach holds the potential to save countless lives and reduce the burden of seasonal influenza outbreaks.


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