4 ★

1h 59min
To Catch A Killer: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date in US 21 April 2023
- Release Date in India 2 June 2023
- Language English
- Dubbed In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
- Genre Action, Crime, Drama
- Duration 1h 59min
- Cast
Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo, Ralph Ineson, Rosemary Dunsmore, Michael Cram, Jason Cavalier, Mark Camacho
- Director
Damián Szifron
- Writer
Damián Szifron, Jonathan Wakeham
- Cinematography Javier Juliá
- Music Carter Burwell
- Producer
Aaron Ryder, Stuart Manashil, Damián Szifron, Shailene Woodley
- Production
FilmNation Entertainment, RainMaker Films
- Certificate 7+
About To Catch A Killer Movie (2023)
Eleanor Falco (Shailene Woodley), a young and talented but troubled officer wrestling with the demons of her past, is recruited by FBI Chief Investigator, Geoffrey Lamarck (Ben Mendelsohn). To help track down a sniper carrying out a series of unrelated mass shootings.
To Catch A Killer Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
To Catch A Killer Movie Trailer