Xiaomi has decided to suspend the launch of its flagship Mi 10 in India after PM Narendra Modi ordered a nationwide lockdown. The company claims that it will evaluate the situation and release a revised launch date soon. The phone was launched in China in February, and it was set to launch in India on March 31. However, several smartphone manufacturers are now cancelling launch events in the country after the government banned the sale of non-essential goods. The country is currently under a 21-day complete lockdown, and only essential goods are allowed to be sold for now.
Xiaomi has issued an official confirmation that the Mi 10 launch has been suspended. In an official released statement, the company says, “After careful deliberation, we have taken the decision to postpone the launch of Xiaomi's flagship Mi 10 in India, which was scheduled on 31st March, 2020. We are evaluating the situation and will release a revised launch date soon.”
Xiaomi says that it is focusing its energy and synergy to support the nation in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Xiaomi India chief Manu Kumar Jain has also confirmed the postponement of the Mi 10 launch event on Twitter.
The tech giant has also postponed the first sale of the newly launched Redmi Note 9 Pro Max due to the lockdown, and movement restriction imposed by the government. The Redmi Note 9 Pro was last made available on March 24, and after that a new flash sale date has not been announced.
Apart from Xiaomi, Realme has also suspended all of its launches in India for now. The Realme Narzo 10 and Realme Narzo 10A phones were expected to launch tomorrow, but this event has been cancelled as well. Brands like Vivo are also reported to shift their March launches to sometime in April now.
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