Lenovo India has launched two new smartphones in India, the Lenovo Vibe P1 and P1m. Priced at Rs. 15,999 and Rs. 7,999 respectively, the smartphones are exclusive to Flipkart. The Vibe P1 will go on sale from Tuesday, while the Vibe P1m will see its first flash sale next Wednesday, with registrations due to begin this Wednesday.
Also see:
Lenovo Vibe P1m vs Lenovo Vibe P1)
Both the
Lenovo Vibe P1 (seen above) and
Lenovo Vibe P1m run on Android 5.1 Lollipop, and are powerhouses featuring 4900mAh and 3900mAh batteries respectively. The Vibe P1m is the 'lite' variant of the Vibe P1, and features a smaller display, different processor, and less RAM. Gadgets 360 spent some time with the smartphones at their
launch at IFA 2015, and you can check out our
first impressions. Both smartphones come with a dedicated hardware toggle on the left side (seen below), with which users can switch to a power saving mode.
The Vibe P1 features a 5.5-inch full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) IPS display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 for protection; Snapdragon 615 octa-core processor clocked at 1.5GHz; Adreno 405 GPU; 2GB of RAM; 16GB storage; expandable storage support via microSD card; NFC; USB OTG; 13-megapixel rear camera; 5-megapixel front camera; dual-SIM with dual 4G LTE support, as well as 24-watt charging capability that's claimed to charge the smartphone a bit faster.
Also see:
Lenovo Vibe P1 and Vibe P1m First Impressions)
The Lenovo Vibe P1m (seen above) on the other hand features a 5-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) display. It is powered by a 64-bit quad-core MediaTek MT6735 processor with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. The smartphone supports expandable storage.
Earlier this week, Lenovo India
launched three 4G-enabled new smartphones in the country - the
Lenovo A1000,
Lenovo A6000 Shot, and the
Lenovo K3 Note Music. The smartphones will be available via offline retail stores from the last week of October, priced at Rs. 4,999, Rs. 9,999, and Rs. 12,999 respectively.