Based on the 1990 novel of the same name by Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park is set on the fictional island of Isla Nublar near Costa Rica. A wealthy businessman John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) and a team of genetic scientists have created a wildlife park of dinosaurs brought back to life thanks to a futuristic de-extinction process.
A small group of visitors and Hammond's grandchildren gets stuck in a catastrophic shutdown of the park's power facilities and security systems while struggling to escape and survive the perilous island.
Jurassic Park Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Opening Titles | John Williams | 0:33 | |
2. | Theme From Jurassic Park | John Williams | 3:27 | |
3. | Incident At Isla Nublar | John Williams | 5:20 | |
4. | Journey To The Island | John Williams | 8:52 | |
5. | The Raptor Attack | John Williams | 2:49 | |
6. | Hatching Baby Raptor | John Williams | 3:20 | |
7. | Welcome To Jurassic Park | John Williams | 7:54 | |
8. | My Friend, The Brachiosaurus | John Williams | 4:16 | |
9. | Dennis Steals The Embryo | John Williams | 4:55 | |
10. | A Tree For My Bed | John Williams | 2:12 | |
11. | High-Wire Stunts | John Williams | 4:08 | |
12. | Remembering Petticoat Lane | John Williams | 2:47 | |
13. | Jurassic Park Gate | John Williams | 2:03 | |
14. | Eye To Eye | John Williams | 6:32 | |
15. | T-Rex Rescue & Finale | John Williams | 7:39 | |
16. | End Credits | John Williams | 3:25 |